We practice advanced, comprehensive medical care. Our patients benefit from our unparalleled medical, behavioral, and integrative expertise.

Concierge Medicine

Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

We are an out-of-network,
fee-for-service practice.
Click here for more information.

450 Sutter Street #840
San Francisco, CA 94108

My Doctor Medical Group Update 04-10-2020
Sent to the patients of My Doctor Medical Group on 4/10/2020 by Paul Abramson MD To Our Patients, Keep reading for more information about how to get medical care during this difficult time, how to provide support and two free therapy sessions for first responders/front line medical professionals, and how we are providing medical services while we are sheltering in ...
Paul Abramson MDPaul Abramson MD

In The Blog

In The Blog

Plague in Madagascar
World Health Organization Advisory: Plague in Madagascar: October 2017 As of October 4th, the Ministry of Public Health of Madagascar reports 194 cases of plague, including pneumonic, bubonic and once case of septicemia, with 30 deaths in 20 districts and cities across the country. Implications for travelers: The risk of infection with Yersinia pestis for international travelers to Madagascar is ...

In The Blog

In The Blog

KQED Science: Dr. Abramson Interviewed on NPR About Health Technology
Dr. Abramson was interviewed on NPR Morning Edition by Amy Standen yesterday about the role of wearable technology and health apps in the doctor's office. Take, for example, Dr. Paul Abramson, a primary care doctor in San Francisco’s financial district. Abramson is no techno-phobe. He sees patients in a sleek white office with a hydraulic standing desk from Denmark and ...

In The Blog

In The Blog

Giardia: Not a Traveler's Best Friend
Giardiasis is a fairly common infection of the small intestines caused by the organism Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia). Giardia is a protozoan parasite that thrives in the intestinal tract of mammals and that reproduces by forming cysts, which are transmitted from host to host through the feces of an infected person or animal being ingested by another. The cysts ...

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